Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why can't I make it?

My husband just loves these words.... "I think I could make that". One time I said it and he gave me "the look" and I said, "What? You don't think I can do it." And he said, "Oh, I most definitely think you can do it." LOL....I always have some sort of project going on, and I think if he was honest he would admit that he thinks I'm a wee bit obsessed with new projects. In fact, right now I can think of a large handful of things I'd like to try.....but here's the short list of what I might attempt in the near future...

~Make my own laundry soap
~Re-cover our dining room chairs
~Make a dollhouse (for Samantha) from materials I already have (cardboard, fabric, etc)
~Sew a skirt for myself
~Make a peg board to organize my thread (I NEED this!)
~Make a scripture memory box
~Re-cover two small ottomans
~Paint my sewing desk and add new hardware

Wow...my short list was longer than I expected. Ok, so I probably won't try all of those in the near future...But a girl's gotta start somewhere, right?

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm still here (This one's for you Jade) :o)

So as my last post was titled...Lots of stuff has been going on! I have been sewing and embroidering and sewing some more. I am ever so thankful for SweetSamantha and all the things happening there. I can honestly say that I would have never in a million years seen me sewing in this manner....let alone for other people. See, I always dreamed myself a creative type, but then I would see real creative people and think, "I am worlds away!" However, I have come to learn that creativity comes in a massive variety of forms and fashions....and that I guess I have a little creativity of my own....

Lately I have kinda left both of my blogs virtually untouched (is that a pun?) because honestly I haven't known what to do with them. My family blog got left because I was using it to share stories and pictures of the kids....but with facebook around it seemed I was posting everything in two places! It was kinda the same with this blog and my SweetSamantha FB page. Why would I post things here and there?

There was also an internal struggle on my part....I love my blogs, but I struggle with how much to say or not to say. I mean my feelings, thoughts, dreams, etc. are being made available to the world. And I'm a sensitive type. I have seen blogs I love get totally trashed...not because they're bad, but because...let's face it... everyone has someone who dislikes them. And I honestly would rather not know who dislikes me... or hates my opinion....or who thinks what I just said is the dumbest thing they're ever heard. So, I'm still struggling with how much of myself I keep just for me and how much I share with the big wide world (I mean only a handful of people will even read this...but still it's world wide accessible!)

So I'm still here and crafting and loving it. I'm still slightly obsessed with colorful cotton...and oh, I just got a new turquoise minky that I don't even want to cut because it is just so yummy looking! I'm still hoping for an organization fairy to come while I sleep and magically make my home the most organized place on the planet....like the kind you see in magazines....I guess it would help if I believed in fairies... Anyways....I digress...

Well, that's all for now. Maybe next time will be something more crafty. :o) I actually have an idea I'm doing research on right now. Who knew research was involved in sewing?

Till next time my friends....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lots of stuff going on!

First things first....

I got an embroidery machine!!

So excited about that!!

However, I have been slammed with orders (that's a good thing) and I haven't been able to play with it much, but I'm getting there. May was an incredibly busy month for me...I had lots of orders, family visiting, and both my husband and my little boy celebrated birthdays. All of that stuff was great, but in that time blogging was the last thing on my mind!

Here are some new things I was making in that time:

Shape Pillows - These turned out so well! I'm really proud of them!
Monogram Zebra Print pillow - A new twist on an old favorite
A pillow case for my daughter with her name on it.
My first embroidery machine project!
I'm incredibly excited about what's next!!
Stay tuned!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sew Something New - Doll Dresses

Sew Something New Friday
For "Sew Something New" Friday.....err, Saturday... we happened to have two sweet little girls visiting with us (who also happen to be twins). Both of the girls absolutely love their American Girl Dolls! They love the books about them too, and I was amazed at how they knew the stories of each one and would describe their personalities (the characters) to a T. Since they love their dolls so much, I just knew I had to make something for their dolls. So, I made them both little dresses out of their choice of fabric!

The first chose zebra print and lilac fabric....

And the second chose a blue fabric with white and yellow flowers print and yellow with white polka dots....

You can't see the pocket very well b/c of the sunlight, but it's in the same yellow with polka dots print as the sash.

They were fun to make and I enjoyed seeing the girls enjoying them so much!! Thanks for the inspiration girls! :o)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sew Something New Friday - Cornhole Bags

Sew Something New Friday

Lately sewing something new has been far from my mind! But several orders filled later, I'm ready to work on something new again. Cornhole bags are not necessarily a brand new sewing adventure for me, but they are still pretty new.

It all started when my brother asked me to make cornhole bags for him. Now I admit I had no idea what "cornhole" even was....let alone cornhole bags! But he was sweet and sent me some directions to make them, and I took it from there to do my research on them. (By the way, when I started sewing, I had no idea any type of "research" would be required). I found out from various websites that cornhole is a game played much like a bean bag toss game but slightly more complicated (find actual description here). I also found from my research that "regulation" size bags are a certain size AND weight. From the ACA website ("American Cornhole Association"...no I'm not kidding) I learned that "finished bags should be a minimum of 6" X 6" square and weigh between 14 and 16 ounces". I also learned that they are commonly made with duck cloth. Duck Cloth is a super strong fabric that comes in a variety of colors. My brother chose Clemson colors (Orange and purple) since he's a Clemson fan (and he plays mostly while tailgating at Clemson games), and while I'm a gamecock fan I obliged because well he's my brother and I do love him more than football. :o)

Here are the bags all sewn into squares but not yet filled....
"Homemade" funnel....i.e. Card stock rolled and taped into a funnel shape.....AND one of the most important parts whole kernel corn feed!
Here's what I think is the funnest part...Weighing the bags!! 1 lb. (or 16 oz.) even for this one! Doesn't get more perfect than that. (In case you're interested I use a food scale to measure the bags. I bought this one inexpensively at Wal-mart I think...)
Double sewn around the inside and double sewn on the edges to make them more durable. The bags are thrown for the game and do have the potential to burst open! Double sewing helps to protect against that, but my brother threw the other ones for almost a year before they busted. And they don't last for life b/c the more they're thrown, the more the corn breaks down, and creates a "powder" that is evidently valuable when playing the game.
8 bags total for a set....4 of each color!
This is my favorite picture! Don't they look fun?
So that's it!

P.s. This entire post was written by a girl who has only "researched" cornhole and not officially played it, so I can't help you with tips for playing! LOL.

P.s.s. These would make a great gift for the "tailgater" in your life! My brother said people are always asking about his set! Now I can direct them to my site!!

What about you? Have you ever played cornhole?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Here Comes the Sun

I am loving the sunny warm weather!
I was totally inspired by it to make this treasury...
Check it out....

There are several more sunny items in my treasury! Go check them out!
It'll make you feel more sunny on a rainy day....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Walk on the Wild Side

It's just keeps getting more and more wild....
And I like it that way! :o)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Etsy Newsletter

Today one of my pillows was featured in an Etsy newsletter! What an awesome surprise on a Monday morning! Possibly the best part is that the pillow that was featured is the one that started it all....my own little Samantha's pillow!

You can check out the newsletter here!

Monday, February 28, 2011

50 sales!

Hi Everyone! Sorry I have been MIA as of late....I have been knee deep in Etsy orders! I am so thankful for all of my customers, and the orders coming in have just been awesome. And because of you I officially passed 50 Etsy sales! Woo-hoo!

So, since I've busy sewing (and doing the happy dance!) "Sew Something New Friday" will continue this Friday! Please join me in creating something new and feel free to share it here! I'd love to see what fun things you're making!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feel the Love

Available in my shop soon!
Happy Valentine's Day!!

New Favorite Store

I stumbled upon a new favorite Etsy shop today! I knew as soon as I saw Bedlam Country Crafts that I was going to love their stuff. There's something about wooden signs that I just love! Here are a few of my favorites from their shop (Link above pic to go to that sign!):

I love this one!! So true for me and my hubby!!

If one day I ever have a sewing room, I'd love to have this hanging in there...

I laughed so hard when I saw this one!!

These were just a few of my favorites! There are so many more!
You'll just have to go check out Bedlam Country Crafts for yourself!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sew Something New Friday - Bows, bows everywhere!!

Sew Something New Friday

It's sew something new Friday!

Lately, my daughter's bows and clips have seemed to take over the house! Now she doesn't have that many, but it seems like they end up everywhere. The problem is that they have never really had a "home". I've tried storing them in different places, but none of them seemed to work. Then I discovered bow holders and I knew that was the answer for all of our stray bows and clips! I wanted to buy one....and I actually came really close, but the budget just said, "no". Of course my next thought was, "Why can't I make one with materials I have at home?" So that's what I did!

Samantha's new bow holder:

Did you sew something new this week? Either comment here or go to my facebook page and share what you've done! I'd love to see it!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sew Something New Friday - Got Plastic Bags?

Sew Something New Friday

For the next two weeks, my Sew Something New projects will be focusing on solutions to problems around the house.

This week's problem? Plastic bags on the floor.

Most of the time I do my best to use reusable bags (a possible upcoming project), however, sometimes I forget my reusable bags and I have to use plastic. The majority of the plastic bags I save and put in the recycling bin when I head back to the store, but some of them I save to use as liners for our small trashcans or if I need to donate something small (like for our can food drive this Sunday at church). Anyway, the bags I save normally end up stuffed into one plastic bag, which has almost always resided in the floor of the laundry room or pantry. Not anymore!!

The solution?
A plastic bag holder.

(Pic to come soon!)

What's your newest project?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sew Something New Friday - Button

Grab the button on my side bar and join in on the fun!!

Sew Something New Friday

Looking forward to sharing a new project this Friday!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sew Something New Friday

"Sew Something New Friday" is something I've wanted to start for a while. My basic goal is to sew something new once a week. This week's "Sew Something New" project is....

A birthday shirt!

I love the way they turned out!

Did you do a new sewing project this week? Or just new project in general?
Comment and let me know! I'd love to hear about it!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Merry Christmas to me!

Remember the post where I told you I ordered a Christmas gift for myself? The ice storm helped to delay it from getting to our house, but I finally got it in! Check it out!!

It's a pin cushion caddy! It was made by fellow Etsian, StitchSprite.
(Click on her name to go to her shop)

I absolutely love it!! I have wanted a new pin cushion for a long time (something a bit cuter than my little red tomato). When I found this pin cushion, I just knew it was exactly what I was looking for....a cute place for my pins to live along with a home for my thread scissors, measuring tape, pens, etc. Seriously....I'm just in love with it. If you love it too, I highly recommend heading over to StitchSprite and finding one of your own. And if you don't see a pattern you like, you can always do what I did and place a custom order with her. I actually had this fabric in my stash and had wanted to do something with it, but just didn't know what. Again, I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Treasuries times two

Today was another snow day, but I kicked into gear today and decided that I would get things done. And done is what they have gotten! Err....I mean....and I have gotten things done. I have organized both of the kiddos rooms, and trust me cleaning out from under my son's bed was no easy task. I'm pretty sure he had half of his toys under there along with a cup, two bowls, and a plethora of clothes (so that's where that pair of pants went!). I also started cleaning/organizing the storage room and laundry room. Both desperately needed it! All of this is part of one of my resolutions this year to get organized. (If you wanna see more on that you can check out my family blog).

I also got started on two projects....a cute custom pillow in new a new fabric pattern (so excited about this one) and a project for myself for "Sew Something New" Friday! Pictures for both are coming soon!!

Today I also had the awesome privilege of being featured in not one but TWO treasuries on Etsy! For those who don't know....a treasury is a collection of work featured on Etsy. The collection of items is from a variety of artists and is chosen and arranged by another Etsian. The first treasury I was in was created by triplegoddess, and is titled "Abra Cazebra". (Click on the treasury name to view it!). The second treasury was created by funvites and is titled "All About You". A big thank you to the two ladies who chose my pillows to be in their treasuries! You made my day!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stuck Inside

Well, it is day 2 after the "big" snow, and while some melting is occurring we are still basically stuck inside. See, Georgia does not regularly receive snow and especially not to this amount, so when it happens it leaves us stranded!

Day 1 of being stuck inside was not so bad, but cabin fever is starting to set in on day 2! Our driveway and street are completely frozen, and I have a feeling that tonight's falling temps will leave us stranded inside again tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow day

From last night and into today it snowed almost 5 inches at our house in Georgia! Today we went out and had a great time playing in it!

Me with my very cold fur baby "Gizmo"
Baby girl
Little man
With our snow man!
What a fun day!! I even got some organizing done in little man's room and the storage room, and started on other projects. Tomorrow is another day to play and finish up the projects I started!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's a new year!

Wow, my blog kinda got away from me right there at the end of 2010!

The Christmas season rocked with far more orders than last year, and I got caught up in all the hustle and bustle of getting Christmas presents out on time. It was tiring but fun, and I enjoyed every project I got to work on!

For Christmas, I ordered myself a little gift from an Etsy seller. I just sent off the fabric that I wanted to use for it...I already had the fabric in my stash and had been wanting to do something with it I just didn't know what! I'll share the seller and item with you when I get in in the mail....hopefully the beginning of next week.

My family celebrated Christmas and New Years with family and friends. We had a great time traveling and seeing people we hadn't seen in a while.

I'm particularly excited about 2011 and what's next. New beginnings are always so refreshing!

At the end of last year for the first time I made stockings and kindle covers. It was so much fun to figure out something new! For 2011 I'd love to sew something new once a month, and by "something new" I mean something I've never attempted before. I'm looking for a project for January, but haven't yet found what I want to do. I'll update you with what I decide!

If you have any ideas on what I should attempt next, please feel free to comment and let me know!